‘Truthfully Governed Peaceful’ India through ‘Self Righteous’ Citizenry
All citizens and well wishers of India want India to become a peaceful and well provisioned country as early as possible. Many have toiled all through their life and even sacrificed their life for this cause. This book is an attempt to (a) Consolidate the vision for a peaceful India by 2047 AD (b) Provide an intermediate vision for 2022 AD (c) organise a Self Reform movement for transforming citizenry to build the India of our dreams
Having a single collective goal or vision for India is a prerequisite for making any purposeful effort in building a peaceful India, hence this book. Similarly without transforming the constituent elements that is citizens, transforming India is unrealistic, hence the call for Self Reform Movement.
The basic inspiration is from the visions of Indian freedom fighters, numerous literary works, government documents, Constructive workers, Humanists and Spiritually enlightened ones.
“I shall work for an India, in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country in whose making they have an effective voice; an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people; an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability or the curse of the intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women will enjoy the same rights as men. Since we shall be at peace with all the rest of the world, neither exploiting, nor being exploited, we should have the smallest army imaginable. All interests not in conflict with the interests of dumb millions will be scrupulously respected, whether foreign or indigenous. Personally I hate distinction between foreign and indigenous. This is the India of my dreams…..I shall be satisfied with nothing less.”
– Young India , 10-September-1931
On Swaraj:
“Swaraj of a people means sum total of the Swaraj (Self-Rule) of individuals”
- Harijan, 25-March-1939
“Self Government means, continuous effort to be independent of government control, whether it is foreign government or whether national. Swaraj government will be a sorry affair if people look up to it for the regulation of every detail of life” - Young India , 6-August-1925
“Real Swaraj will come not by the acquisition of authority by a few but by the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority when it is abused. In other words Swaraj is to be obtained by educating masses to a sense of their capacity to regulate and control authority” - Young India , 29-January-1925
“Swaraj can be maintained, only where there is majority of loyal and patriotic people to whom the good of the nation is paramount above all other consideration whatever including their personal profit. Swaraj means government by the many. Where the many or immoral or selfish, their government can spell anarchy and nothing else.” - Young India , 28-July-1921
“Under Swaraj based on non violence nobody is anybody’s enemy, everybody contributes his or her due quota to the common goal, all can read and write, and their knowledge keeps growing from the day to day. Sickness and disease are reduced to minimum. No one is a pauper and labour can always find employment. There is no place under such a government for gambling, drinking and immorality or class hatred. The rich will use their riches wisely and usefully, and not squander them in increasing their pomp and worldly pleasures. It should not happen that a handful of rich people should live in jewelled palaces and the millions in miserable hovels devoid of sunlight or ventilation. In non-violent Swaraj there can be no encroachment upon just rights; contrariwise no one can possess unjust rights. In well organised state, usurpation should be an impossibility and it should be unnecessary to resort to force for dispossessing an usurper.” - Harijan, 25- March-1939
Rabindranath Tagore:
Tagore’s Vision:
“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, where knowledge is free.
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments, by narrow domestic walls.
Where words come out from the depth of truth.
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection.
Where the clear steam of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit.
Where the mind is lead forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action.
Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake.”
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru :
Nehru’s Vision
“That future is not one of ease or resting but of incessant striving so that we may fulfill the pledges we have so often taken and the one we shall take today. The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer. It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity. The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us, but as long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over.”
“And so we have to labour and to work, and work hard, to give reality to our dreams. Those dreams are for India, but they are also for the world, for all the nations and peoples are too closely knit together today for any one of them to imagine that it can live apart Peace has been said to be indivisible; so is freedom, so is prosperity now, and so also is disaster in this One World that can no longer be split into isolated fragments.”
“May the star never set and that hope never be betrayed!”
“To bring freedom and opportunity to the common man, to the peasants and workers of India; to fight and end poverty and ignorance and disease; to build up a prosperous, democratic and progressive nation, and to create social, economic and political institutions which will ensure justice and fullness of life to every man and woman. We have hard work ahead. There is no resting for any one of us till we redeem our pledge in full, till we make all the people of India what destiny intended them to be.”
-“Tryst with destiny” speech by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, 14-15th August 1947
Prayer for welfare of the world (In Tamil):
“Let rain be generous upon the life on the earth
Let farmers till the land happily to produce surplus food
Let the welfare of all workers of the world grow
Let the concept of “Unity in Diversity” enhance our culture
Let the governance in the world be free of jealousy, rivalry and riots
Let the people of this world be free of ignorance, debt, poverty and social evils
Let the light of wisdom bring better life in this world
Let all our acts be towards righteous life”
- “Servant of the world” Vethathiri (1911-2006)
Swami Vivekananda:
To the educated Indians
“So long as the millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold every man a traitor, who having been educated at their expense, pays not the least heed to them”
Bhagat Singh:
In his last message of 3rd March 1931 he declared that the struggle in India would continue so long as “a handful of exploiters go on exploiting the labour of the common people for their own ends. It matters little whether these exploiters are purely British capitalist, or British and Indians in alliance, or even purely Indian”.
Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj:
On Ideal Village and Ideal Pracharak (In Marathi):
“O Friends! To make an ideal village, Must have an Ideal Pracharak
Village works will be nicely done, By ideal pracharaks in days to come. (51)
For the bright future of a village, Must have Pracharak best.
He must be the man of character, Humble, Hard worker and Honest. (57)
Main Characteristics of Pracharak, He works without ruling power
And knows how to make an ideal village with his pure heart. (58)
He never expects a seat of power, Never worries about wealth,
His eternal flow of supreme love, Changes minds of villagers. (59)
He has only one strong desire, Public be always happier,
Poverty of public be vanished, By his labours and endeavours. (73)
Such a Pracharak be selected So that village will be idealised.
Seva Mandal be established for the cause of village service (122)
For the reconstruction of villages, Pracharak is the prime base.
The Gramgeeta is also for the sake composed Tukdya says”
- Chapter VIII, Gramgeeta, 1953
Dr. Durga Das Basu:
In his Introduction to the Constitution of India, Chapter 34, he says “Time has come for them (Indian Youth) to realise that they cannot reach their objective by political slogans or breaking their heads on streets, but by acquiring political education and encyclopaedic knowledge ranging from nuclear science to agriculture and the mass of laws by which this vast country is governed,- so that they can usher in an age of efficient administration, if and when they come to power.”
After discussing about the current electoral violence and malpractices in India , he says “This is not Parliamentary Democracy, bur its death knell. It will be a glorious failure of democracy in India if the younger generation does not cry a halt to this scheme of massacre. It is for them to rise as a man to protest against the nefarious mandates of the heads of various political parties.
1. The word India will represent:
v The word India will invoke great respect, trust and admiration among the people of the world
o India will be respected for its values and culture
o India will be trusted for its word and action as its speaks and works for welfare of all (All Living things including Humans and Non living things in this Earth)
o India will be admired for its excellent achievement in all aspects of Human life
v India will stand for Truth and Justice with its “Non Violence” means as its main weapon
v The rich diversity along with true unity will be the identity of the country
v India will continue to abhor for any territorial expansion
v India will only have a self defence force as part of UN self defence force
v Peace will prevail in every heart of this country
2. Characteristics of Indian Citizen:
v All citizen of India will imbibe and exhibit the core values and characteristics of India as described in Constitution of India
v None will think, speak or act in a way which will harm anything or bring disrespect to the country.
v All citizen will abide by the written Constitution, laws and rules and also the unwritten socially respected conventions in all walks of life
v All citizens will discharge their individual duties towards the country with utmost sincerity and diligence. Similarly the society will collectively provide all rights and opportunity, which a citizen is entitled to.
v All citizen will be part of one or more voluntary service corps managed by the government (of the people) and will provide voluntary service
3. Governance:
v Politics will be regarded as one of the noblest profession like Teaching or Farming. Average age of Politicians would be 45 years.
v Effective and powerful Panchayati Raj will be foundation for realisation of ‘Peaceful India by 2047’
v There would be 100% voting in elections. Citizens who do not vote in election will face disincentives from responsible general public and public/private organization
3.1 Basic
v The individual citizen’s sense of “Justice and Welfare of all” will govern the individual thoughts, words and action
v Even in absence of law or law enforcing machinery all citizen will abide by the principle of justice
v Views of all Citizen will be given due consideration in public decision making process
v A Truthful Conscientious Secular Democratic Parliamentary Socialist Participatory Transparent Representative Proactive Efficient Effective Just Government will guide and govern the country
v Citizen’s control over their representative will be continuous. Though periodic elections and tenure will be provided to the representative, a citizen can withdraw his or her trust (Vote) from the representative at any time with or without stating any reason. When a representative loses the trust of majority of citizen the representative who has the majority of trust will be the representative till the end of the tenure. Also any citizen can enter the list of contenders for representing the people. All this process will be through internet or such other suitable means.
v Multi party democracy will continue to exist as it can only give greater choice for the citizen
v Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, Panchayat, Independent Organs created by Constitution, Media and Civil society will have exhibit cooperation and coordination with common good as the sole motto
v Citizen and the government will show zero tolerance to breach of trust and all forms of corruption by people’s representative and permanent bureaucrats
v Individually people’s representative and permanent bureaucrats will be responsible for right or wrong action and they will be suitably rewarded or punished.
v Representation in legislatures will naturally reflect the constituents of the population without explicit reservation
3.2 Federal setup
v There would be no Interstate disputes like border, river water, trade etc
v Through wide consultation and rational reorganisation of states and union territories both smaller and larger states and union territories will be right sized
v No state would require special economic or constitutional status
v Rajya Sabha will be empowered to play a greater role in articulating the regional or states demands to the union government, and not the Inter State Council or National Development Council or National Integration Council
v The members of Rajya Sabha will be members of State Legislative Assembly and their tenure in Rajya Sabha will be coterminous with the tenure of the State Legislative Assembly
v Creative and Constructive ideas of the states will be diligently experimented by the Union Government
v Union Government will use all means to correct the errant state government before using the power to take over the state government. Union Government will play the role of caring and just elder sister towards the state government
3.3 Panchayat (People’s Self Government)
v Effective and powerful Panchayati Raj will exist
v Urban and Rural panchayat will be the primary agents of Governance and be made responsible for maximum number of public services
v All state will have a compact State Legislative Council with members sent from Rural and Urban Panchayats
3.4 Executive
v The President of India will be elected by the members of Lok Sabha, State Legislative Assembly and State Legislative Council and not the Rajya Sabha as it just reflects the State Legislative Assembly
v Governor of a State can be removed by a no confidence motion in both houses of state with absolute majority(Two third votes of the authorised strength of the House)
v For neglecting constitutional responsibilities which is not a legal offence like not taking action as per court direction, not conducting Panchayat election etc the respective minister or head of government can be disqualified from the elected house by Supreme Court of India and can be banned from representing people for any length of time
3.5 Legislature
v All legislations and financial proposals will be thoroughly analyzed, debated and constructive changes will be incorporated as found necessary
v There would be no Constitutional provision or law or rules without periodic review and approval by respective legislature
v There would be no subordinate legislations (Legislation by executive decree)
v Conduct of all members will be with utmost dignity and sincerity
3.6 Audit
v Auditor Generals audit will be holistic and comprehensive with due regard to the unique and special nature of administrative reality
v Independent audit by the legislature will ensure that no wrong escapes the eye of it
v Social Audit will be given due recognition and the outcome will have a legal standing
v By single unique identification number all citizen’s details (Personal details, Education, Health, Travel, Financial, offences) will be tracked all over the country
3.7 Bureaucracy
v The bureaucracy will be primarily responsible towards the citizen welfare
v Anonymity, Neutrality, Accountability to elected executive will continue to guide it.
v It will get sufficient protection from exploitation or injustice by powerful business or political power holders
3.8 Election Commission
v The Election commission will be the disciplinarian of people’s representative outside their legislatures
v Election commission of India will be responsible for conduct of Panchayat elections and as many other internal elections of national importance like in Political parties ,NGOs etc
4. Justice Maintenance:
v As the society at large including the judge is also responsible for upbringing wrong doers, due consideration will be given to this aspect. Only when correctional measures fail the individual will be condemned in jail
v All punishments will primarily constitute correctional education and unpaid public service
v As all living things are property of the nature, no one except the nature has the right to deny life and hence there will be no death sentence
v Whistleblowers and witnesses of a wrong act will all be given utmost protection to life and will also be protected from all inconvenience in the process of justice delivery
v The amount of punishment will vary with the status of the person in the society i.e. a wrong act done by a teacher will get maximum sentence, then the judge ,the people’s representative, the permanent bureaucrats and the senior citizen
v Justice will be provided free of cost to all. Maximum possible cost of it will be recovered from the wrong doer.
v Judiciary will be adequately equipped to provide speedy justice
v All citizen will have a uniform civil code unless otherwise desired by all parties concerned in a case
5. Media
v Media will be the vigilant watch dog on behalf of the people towards all organs of governance
v It will give voice to grievances of all section of the citizenry
v Public good not the unethical profit will be the motive of the Media
v Civil society will have control over the media through “Media Watch Groups of the Citizen “apart from the monitoring by Government and Judiciary
v Public Broadcasting board will be representative and democratic and Public Broadcaster will have the prime position in the media world
6. Planning
v Planning will be primarily bottom up
v Academicians, Researchers, Field staff and constructive community workers suggestion will also be incorporated
v Suggestion from the state governments will be given due recognition in National planning and it will be assured by Rajya Sabha
7. Internal Security
v Jails will largely be empty
v All citizens will think and act as police without uniform. They will pass on intelligence to the agencies with ease and surety of security
v All citizen will feel free to approach the police for help and the police will treat the citizen in a way as a kind sincere doctor treats the patients
v All citizens would have undergone primary self defence and first aid training
v There will be no Human rights violation by the Civil, Intelligence, Defence and Police personnel
v Except for former Intelligence, Defence and Police personnel no one else will posses any arms
v India will be free of Armed Struggle, Terrorism, Riots of all form, Arson, Sabotage, Looting etc
v Physical or Psychological Violence against women, children, minorities, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and other weaker section will be absent
v Conviction rate of offences will be more than 99%
v Death due to traffic accidents will be only due to real “accidents” and not due to defects in transport infrastructure or callous vehicle inspection or negligence in Traffic Police service
v Loss of life or property due to accidents such as fire or any other disaster will be negligible as India will have disaster proof infrastructure as per the commonly available technological safeguards
8. Self Defence
9. External Relation
10. Infrastructure
11. Education
12. Science and Technology
13. Industry
14. Agriculture
15. Culture/Society
16. Natural Wealth
17. Health
18. Sections of the society
8. Self Defence
v India will only have a self defence force as part of UN self defence force (As mentioned Earlier)
v All men and women including disabled would have got basic(suitable) military training as part of National Cadet Corps
v Women will get equal treatment with men and can also participate in the combat operation
v Indian Self defence force would have a strong intelligence capability to sense any mischief by any adversary state
v India along with all other countries will not have any weapon of mass destruction
9. External Relation
v Ancient wisdom of “Vasudeva Kudumbakam”( "THE WHOLE EARTH IS OUR FAMILY".) , “Yathum oore Yavarum Kelir”(“ All the world is my world, All men are my kinsmen”) etc will guide the foreign policy
v India would not have an enemy, will only treat one as an enemy when it senses wrong intentions of other State or Non State actor through credible intelligence
v India would have solved all outstanding boundary disputes with all its neighbours by mutually acceptable and respectable solution by negotiations considering both the historic and present realities
v India will follow the age old time tested Panchasheel principle
v India would have friendly relation with all responsible well meaning countries
v India would play a responsible role in all global issues considering its share in human population in the Earth
v India would exercise its votes(1.Proportionate to its population and 2.Membership vote which is common to all countries) in UN General Assembly, where in there would be no security council modelled of the mid 20th century world
v India would extend all possible help in ameliorating suffering of living beings in all part of the world
v SAARC would have matured to have a free movement of people, money, goods, services and ideas, and India would extend all support for its success.
v Asia would already have an Asian Union like European Union and India would extend all support for its success.
v Non Resident Indians number will be minimal as they would get best of Education, Healthcare, Employment etc within India . India would have many outbound international tourists.
10. Infrastructure
v Adequate well maintained disaster proof infrastructure will be available in all parts of the country
v All families will have a house
Drinking water
v All houses will have safe and adequate drinking water
v All houses will have Electricity
Waste Disposal
v All household waste(Solid, Liquid, Gaseous) would be treated within the premises by the family and the untreatable will only be let out
v Local Government will treat all waste let by the houses and industries(Based on the best available technology) before letting it into the environment
v All citizen will be educated on best sanitation practices and they will adhere to it strictly
v Sanitation infrastructure like toilet, dustbin, drainage etc will be available to all households and institutions
v All citizen will willingly take part in the sanitation work and will treat it as a necessary social action
v All habitats will have standard roads
v Congestion and incident of accident in all roads in India will be meagre as commuters will adhere to traffic rules without need of strict enforcement machinery
v All parts of the country will be linked and the best of service will be provided to all
v Environmental consideration will be given high regard in choosing and managing the transportation means.
v All citizens will get affordable and best personal connectivity
Mass communication
v Government and Civil society will responsibly monitor and restrain what is being broadcast
v Public Broadcasting board will be representative and democratic and Public Broadcaster will have the prime position in the media world(As mentioned earlier)
v Public Broadcaster will facilitate easy and affordable expression of creative or constructive thought/art for all citizen
11. Education
v All citizen would have undergone compulsory education meaning that they will be able to comprehend at least half of the news in a national newspaper, not have any superstitious beliefs, can reason out why things are happening for them in that way etc.
v All citizens would undergo compulsory free continuous (yearly) citizenship education. It would include
Ø Basics philosophy and aspects of Indian Values, Culture and Constitution
Ø Knowledge about the individual rights and obligation towards the country and the humanity
Ø Knowledge of Constitutional law, Legal Acts, rules and social conventions
Ø Proficiency in mother tongue, national language and one more Indian language from another language zone in India
Ø Basic knowledge about recent developments in political, economic, social and scientific (including medical) field both from within India and in the world
Ø Knowledge about what action should an individual needs to take to handle issues in political, economic and social arena will be taught
v Education till secondary school will be compulsory and free
Ø School level component of citizenship education
Ø Value education with focus on Truth, Non Violence, Ethics, Humanism, Tolerance, etc
Ø Education will imbibe objectivity, independent thinking, scientific temper and an enquiring attitude
Ø Training in Constructive work, Basic Military training, First Aid, Disaster response, Swimming, Cycling, Two wheeler driving as part on Indian Students Voluntary Corps
Ø Vocational and Entrepreneurship education
Ø Basic knowledge about all culture(custom, food habits, dress, festivals, etc), religion, language etc of different parts of India
Ø Attachment with rural craftsman and cultural artist(Music, Dance, Drama, Literature, etc) with support of SPIC MACAY(Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth)
Ø Field exposure to both Rural and Urban life by Indian Students Voluntary Corps
v All citizens will have easy access to Newspapers, Books, Magazine, Government Publications and other knowledge in Digital form through high speed internet via universal library service
v All youth will get adequate and affordable higher education opportunity. Money or infrastructure will not be a constraint
v School, College and University campuses will be free of raging, violence and ill addiction
v India will be the University of the world as it used to be earlier
12. Science and Technology
v The scientific pursuit will focus on the reduction in loss of life and provision of basic needs to the common man
v It will not develop or misuse technologies which can harm anything in this Earth
v Basic scientific research will have the primary focus
13. Industry
v Public sector will continue to have larger role in order to provide competition to private sector in basic sectors like Power Generation, Telecom etc and Strategic sectors like Defence Armaments
v Public sector will continue to be role model in Human Resource Management, Employee Welfare, Environmental care etc
v All citizens will have employable skill and ability, and will get suitable Employment
v The difference in wages will be less among physical and mental labourers
v Adequate additional wages will be provided in order to differentiate sincerity, creativity, hard work and diligence
v There will be right balance between Full employment ,demand of goods/Services and level of Mechanization
v All citizens will be encouraged to adopt a life style which will modify the demand of goods and services in order to generate adequate employment and ensure sustainable development. (Increase in demand of Hygienic Organic Homemade food, Handloom, Clay utensils, Wooden Furniture, Rural Tourism, Folk arts, Handicrafts, Servant maid instead of Dish washer and Washing machine, Individual babysitters instead of crèches etc can generate huge employment)
v Environmental damages will be made minimal. Polluter pays principle will be strictly adhered
v Durable and Quality goods will be produced to reduce unnecessary repeated consumption
v Efficient repair and reuse methodology will be developed in order to reduce consumption
v Second hand market will be encouraged
v Luxury goods will be taxed heavily to reduce unnecessary consumption of natural wealth
v Newer version products with less real value addition but with new fashion appeal will be taxed heavily to reduce unnecessary consumption of natural wealth and curb new needs
v Industries producing products such as Tobacco, Alcoholic beverage etc will be non existent as there will be no demand for them
v India would have foolproof energy security
v The demand for Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Police, Advertisers, Insurers, Financiers etc will be minimal
v The demand for Sanitation workers, Nutritionist, Physical educational teachers, Teachers, Counsellors, Arbitrators etc will be healthy
v Trade will not be allowed to cause any harm neither to Indians or foreigners say by trade distortion, dumping, harmful consumption such as opium etc
v Consumer awareness will be high and they will be better organized to curb all wrongful practices
v Consumer through their united coherent action will curb the production of harmful products or unethical companies or false advertisements
14. Agriculture
v India would have foolproof food security
v The profession of Farmer (Crop, Fish, Cattle etc) will have highest regard as teacher or politician
v Sustainable Organic Nutritious food, fodder and fuel production will be practiced
v Wastage of food during storage and processing will be minimal
15. Culture/Society
v Indian Cultural practices will reduce the need for societal control (Law enforcing agencies) over individual for conflict free existence, as citizens will be self righteous
v In India Women, Disabled, Old, Sick, Orphan, Transgender, Tribal people will have due respect and care
v There would be no need for Affirmative action or reservation
v India would be free from caste system
v In India ones Race, Colour, Religion, Sect, Language, Caste etc would not constitute an aspect of identity for division. Diversity will be celebrated.
v As families will be Cooperative and Harmonious hence the need for Crèche, day care centres, old age homes, destitute care, juvenile correctional centres will not be there
v Incidence of divorces will be negligible
v Jails will largely be empty (As mentioned earlier)
v Every individual citizen will be in a position to showcase and explain nuances of rich Indian culture to the foreigners
v Every citizen will have expertise in one or more Indian art form
v All Cultural activities will get full support from public fund, no one would find it difficult to unleash their creative potential
v Government will heavily fund for Anthropological, Archaeological, and Historical studies to learn from our past to tackle today’s problems
v It will be the primary entertainment for the citizen of this country
v India would be the most sought out tourist destination and will serve the international tourist with real “Athithi Devo Bhava” ( 'The guest is God' ) spirit
16. Natural Wealth
v With future generations in mind all citizens will use the available natural resources with care
v Environmental sensitivity which was as part of cultural milieu will be renewed
v Resource (Minerals, Energy, biodiversity etc) generation through Resource conservation will be practised by all
17. Health
v All citizen will know the importance of sexual vital fluid and will conserve it for good physical health, mental health and spiritual advancement
v Loss of time and resource due to ill health will be made minimal by prevention of disease through right balance between food, sleep, labour, conservation of sexual vital fluid and thought
v Mental health will be well maintained by right training for mind
v Sanitation and disease surveillance will make India free from communicable diseases
v With right life style the consequent disorders will also be averted
v Average life span of citizens will be more than 90 years
v All loss of life due to poor health care facility will be absent
v There would no cases of malnutrition
v Indian Medical system will be researched to get full benefit out our ancient practices
v Good sporting culture will enable citizen of all ages to enjoy good physical and mental health
18. Sections of the society
v There will be no ministries or separate schemes for any section of society as no section of the society will be worse off
v All these section will have due representation in legislature, government and all other walks of life. They will also not feel that only a person from among them will only work for their cause.
Rural Citizen
v Rural India will have access to all basic amenities of Urban India, moreover with good connectivity with the urban area the need to permanently migrate there will be minimal
Urban Citizen
v Urban India will have access to natural setting within the urban space so as not to be out of touch with nature as it will cause psychological problems
v All forms of labour will be regarded as equal
v There will be no need for labourers to fight for their welfare as they would be part of management
v Indian youth will be confident, courageous, industrious, well mannered, disciplined and compassionate
v Indian youth will spent their time wisely in order to take up the future responsibility of the country
v Large number of competent and responsible youth will take up politics after their education
v Both Indian young men and women by their conduct will earn respect all over the world
v No Indian women will think that there birth as a women is stopping them from doing something good
v Women would have got equal opportunity in all walks of life
v Without reservation about 50% representatives in legislatures etc will be women
v Transgender would have got equal opportunity in all walks of life
Backward region
v There would not be any such region in India
v Every child will have equal opportunity to learn, play and enjoy the childhood
Senior Citizen
v All Senior citizen would have somebody to take care and they would not be left out wanting both materially and psychologically
v They would be given suitable responsibilities so as to lead a active life till the end
v Their experience and wisdom will be guiding light for the societies progress
Differently abled
v All differently abled will enjoy the necessary rights and care in order to lead a dignified and fulfilling life
v There would be no orphans
v There would be no destitute
Religious Minorities
v No one will feel marginalised by religious identity
v Religious Minorities will get all support to practice their religion
Linguistic Minorities
v No one will feel marginalised by linguistic identity
v Linguistic Minorities will get all support to protect the vibrancy of the less spoken languages
v There would be no endangered language in India and effort will be taken to revive the extinct languages
v Similar to Dakshi Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha all states would have “Indian Language Propagation School” to bring proficiency to all citizen in three languages i.e. mother tongue, national language and one more Indian language which is a from another language zone in India
Scheduled Castes
v There would be no caste system in India
v Long practice of affirmative action and education would have bought all Indians to equal capabilities
Scheduled Tribes
v Tribes will get all necessary services to lead a healthy and independent life
v Special care would be taken to protect endangered primitive tribal groups in India and effort will be taken to know the cultural legacy of the extinct tribes
Backward Class
v There would be no caste system in India (as mentioned earlier)
v Long practice of affirmative action and education would have bought all Indians to equal capabilities
v Money ,Infrastructure and lack of family support will not be a constraint and the society will not allow any sick feel wanting
v There would be no poor in India as every one would have necessary material means for decent and fulfilling life.
v Compassionate societal support system will take care of accidental poverty due to disaster or accident