When a mother hears from others that her son/daughter is a role model for them, she would have the greatest happiness. This would be greater than the happiness she would have experienced when she gave birth to the child –ThiruKural (69)
Constitution for Happier Homes
Peaceful individuals lead to Peaceful families lead to Peaceful Societies lead to Peaceful World
Two discipline for happier homes:
1. Members should not do any harm by thought, word or action to any being’s body, mind or life.
2. Members should do their best to help the suffering beings
Characteristics of Happier Homes:
1. Members should always have a smile in their face
2. This family should be a role model for the society
3. This family should be one of the bedrocks of the peaceful society
4. This family should be one of the fountain of service to others
5. This family should always exhibit tolerance at any circumstances
6. This family as a University should produce role models rather than just humans
7. This family should be base of Satyagrah (Bringing change of heart through ‘love’ and ‘truth’, for example to correct a erring child/wife a husband may undergo some hardship himself)
8. With harmony within, this family should endeavour to bring harmony within/among other families
9. Elders of the family should have a special status and role in the family
Identities of Happier Homes:
1. This home can have a family symbol or Emblem, motto, song, day etc
Common activities of the Happier Homes:
1. ‘Family council’ should be convened every Sunday to discuss about the plan of action, issues, to search for solution and to celebrate success. Children should also be heard.
2. All members should have a joint meal at least once in week
3. Family should decide and act upon daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and 5-year plan
4. Family should have a well thought out ‘Reminders’ for important work and ‘Checklist’ for repeated works like family celebrations, excursions etc
5. Each family members should be allocated an aspect of families function like (Children’s education, saving & investment, families health etc). They should monitor and act as main consultant on that aspect.
6. As in the society, within the family, democracy should exist within, that is all decision should be based upon consultation and consensus.
7. Family should have separate special fund for education and for philanthropy
8. Family should remove the undesirable aspects of the prevailing culture and religious acts and strictly follow the same as it is the basis for building the next generation
9. Family should go for a family excursion at least once every month
10. Family should go to place of worship/mediation at least once in every week. Members can jointly worship the family god at least once in a year (If only they believe one)
11. Elders of the family (60 years and above) should convene a review meeting of the individual families. Performance with respect to disciplinary code and plan achievement should be reviewed and reform measure should be suggested. Record of all proceeding should be maintained.
Common Disciplinary code for the Happier Homes:
1. No one should tell a lie or steal (including bribe)
2. No one should use violence (including violent words)
3. No one should smoke, take drugs or alcohol
4. No one should have the 6 sins of Greed, anger, possessiveness, inferiority-superiority complex, adultery or revenge. If they have any of them, they should convert these to content fullness, calmness, charity, equanimity, chaste or forgiveness
5. Non vegetarians should try to become vegetarians within their lifetime
6. Members should have a measured and healthy approach towards entertainment activities
See Part 2
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