12. Science and Technology
v The scientific pursuit will focus on the reduction in loss of life and provision of basic needs to the common man
v It will not develop or misuse technologies which can harm anything in this Earth
v Basic scientific research will have the primary focus
13. Industry
v Public sector will continue to have larger role in order to provide competition to private sector in basic sectors like Power Generation, Telecom etc and Strategic sectors like Defence Armaments
v Public sector will continue to be role model in Human Resource Management, Employee Welfare, Environmental care etc
v All citizens will have employable skill and ability, and will get suitable Employment
v The difference in wages will be less among physical and mental labourers
v Adequate additional wages will be provided in order to differentiate sincerity, creativity, hard work and diligence
v There will be right balance between Full employment ,demand of goods/Services and level of Mechanization
v All citizens will be encouraged to adopt a life style which will modify the demand of goods and services in order to generate adequate employment and ensure sustainable development. (Increase in demand of Hygienic Organic Homemade food, Handloom, Clay utensils, Wooden Furniture, Rural Tourism, Folk arts, Handicrafts, Servant maid instead of Dish washer and Washing machine, Individual babysitters instead of crèches etc can generate huge employment)
v Environmental damages will be made minimal. Polluter pays principle will be strictly adhered
v Durable and Quality goods will be produced to reduce unnecessary repeated consumption
v Efficient repair and reuse methodology will be developed in order to reduce consumption
v Second hand market will be encouraged
v Luxury goods will be taxed heavily to reduce unnecessary consumption of natural wealth
v Newer version products with less real value addition but with new fashion appeal will be taxed heavily to reduce unnecessary consumption of natural wealth and curb new needs
v Industries producing products such as Tobacco, Alcoholic beverage etc will be non existent as there will be no demand for them
v India would have foolproof energy security
v The demand for Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Police, Advertisers, Insurers, Financiers etc will be minimal
v The demand for Sanitation workers, Nutritionist, Physical educational teachers, Teachers, Counsellors, Arbitrators etc will be healthy
v Trade will not be allowed to cause any harm neither to Indians or foreigners say by trade distortion, dumping, harmful consumption such as opium etc
v Consumer awareness will be high and they will be better organized to curb all wrongful practices
v Consumer through their united coherent action will curb the production of harmful products or unethical companies or false advertisements
14. Agriculture
v India would have foolproof food security
v The profession of Farmer (Crop, Fish, Cattle etc) will have highest regard as teacher or politician
v Sustainable Organic Nutritious food, fodder and fuel production will be practiced
v Wastage of food during storage and processing will be minimal
15. Culture/Society
v Indian Cultural practices will reduce the need for societal control (Law enforcing agencies) over individual for conflict free existence, as citizens will be self righteous
v In India Women, Disabled, Old, Sick, Orphan, Transgender, Tribal people will have due respect and care
v There would be no need for Affirmative action or reservation
v India would be free from caste system
v In India ones Race, Colour, Religion, Sect, Language, Caste etc would not constitute an aspect of identity for division. Diversity will be celebrated.
v As families will be Cooperative and Harmonious hence the need for Crèche, day care centres, old age homes, destitute care, juvenile correctional centres will not be there
v Incidence of divorces will be negligible
v Jails will largely be empty (As mentioned earlier)
v Every individual citizen will be in a position to showcase and explain nuances of rich Indian culture to the foreigners
v Every citizen will have expertise in one or more Indian art form
v All Cultural activities will get full support from public fund, no one would find it difficult to unleash their creative potential
v Government will heavily fund for Anthropological, Archaeological, and Historical studies to learn from our past to tackle today’s problems
v It will be the primary entertainment for the citizen of this country
v India would be the most sought out tourist destination and will serve the international tourist with real “Athithi Devo Bhava” ( 'The guest is God' ) spirit
16. Natural Wealth
v With future generations in mind all citizens will use the available natural resources with care
v Environmental sensitivity which was as part of cultural milieu will be renewed
v Resource (Minerals, Energy, biodiversity etc) generation through Resource conservation will be practised by all
17. Health
v All citizen will know the importance of sexual vital fluid and will conserve it for good physical health, mental health and spiritual advancement
v Loss of time and resource due to ill health will be made minimal by prevention of disease through right balance between food, sleep, labour, conservation of sexual vital fluid and thought
v Mental health will be well maintained by right training for mind
v Sanitation and disease surveillance will make India free from communicable diseases
v With right life style the consequent disorders will also be averted
v Average life span of citizens will be more than 90 years
v All loss of life due to poor health care facility will be absent
v There would no cases of malnutrition
v Indian Medical system will be researched to get full benefit out our ancient practices
v Good sporting culture will enable citizen of all ages to enjoy good physical and mental health
18. Sections of the society
v There will be no ministries or separate schemes for any section of society as no section of the society will be worse off
v All these section will have due representation in legislature, government and all other walks of life. They will also not feel that only a person from among them will only work for their cause.
Rural Citizen
v Rural India will have access to all basic amenities of Urban India, moreover with good connectivity with the urban area the need to permanently migrate there will be minimal
Urban Citizen
v Urban India will have access to natural setting within the urban space so as not to be out of touch with nature as it will cause psychological problems
v All forms of labour will be regarded as equal
v There will be no need for labourers to fight for their welfare as they would be part of management
v Indian youth will be confident, courageous, industrious, well mannered, disciplined and compassionate
v Indian youth will spent their time wisely in order to take up the future responsibility of the country
v Large number of competent and responsible youth will take up politics after their education
v Both Indian young men and women by their conduct will earn respect all over the world
v No Indian women will think that there birth as a women is stopping them from doing something good
v Women would have got equal opportunity in all walks of life
v Without reservation about 50% representatives in legislatures etc will be women
v Transgender would have got equal opportunity in all walks of life
Backward region
v There would not be any such region in India
v Every child will have equal opportunity to learn, play and enjoy the childhood
Senior Citizen
v All Senior citizen would have somebody to take care and they would not be left out wanting both materially and psychologically
v They would be given suitable responsibilities so as to lead a active life till the end
v Their experience and wisdom will be guiding light for the societies progress
Differently abled
v All differently abled will enjoy the necessary rights and care in order to lead a dignified and fulfilling life
v There would be no orphans
v There would be no destitute
Religious Minorities
v No one will feel marginalised by religious identity
v Religious Minorities will get all support to practice their religion
Linguistic Minorities
v No one will feel marginalised by linguistic identity
v Linguistic Minorities will get all support to protect the vibrancy of the less spoken languages
v There would be no endangered language in India and effort will be taken to revive the extinct languages
v Similar to Dakshi Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha all states would have “Indian Language Propagation School” to bring proficiency to all citizen in three languages i.e. mother tongue, national language and one more Indian language which is a from another language zone in India
Scheduled Castes
v There would be no caste system in India
v Long practice of affirmative action and education would have bought all Indians to equal capabilities
Scheduled Tribes
v Tribes will get all necessary services to lead a healthy and independent life
v Special care would be taken to protect endangered primitive tribal groups in India and effort will be taken to know the cultural legacy of the extinct tribes
Backward Class
v There would be no caste system in India (as mentioned earlier)
v Long practice of affirmative action and education would have bought all Indians to equal capabilities
v Money ,Infrastructure and lack of family support will not be a constraint and the society will not allow any sick feel wanting
v There would be no poor in India as every one would have necessary material means for decent and fulfilling life.
v Compassionate societal support system will take care of accidental poverty due to disaster or accident
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