Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Vision of "Peaceful India by 2047 AD" - Part 1

India will exhibit the following characteristics on that historic Moment in 2047 AD.

1. The word India will represent:

v      The word India will invoke great respect, trust and admiration among the people of the world
o        India will be respected for its values and culture
o        India will be trusted for its word and action as its speaks and works for welfare of all (All Living things including Humans and Non living things in this Earth)
o        India will be admired for its excellent achievement in all aspects of Human life
v      India will stand for Truth and Justice with its “Non Violence” means as its main weapon
v      The rich diversity along with true unity will be the identity of the country
v      India will continue to abhor for any territorial expansion
v      India will only have a self defence force as part of UN self defence force
v      Peace will prevail in every heart of this country

2. Characteristics of Indian Citizen:

v      All citizen of India will imbibe and exhibit the core values and characteristics of India as described in Constitution of India
v      None will think, speak or act in a way which will harm anything or bring disrespect to the country.
v      All citizen will abide by the written Constitution, laws and rules and also the unwritten socially respected conventions in all walks of life
v      All citizens will discharge their individual duties towards the country with utmost sincerity and diligence. Similarly the society will collectively provide all rights and opportunity, which a citizen is entitled to.
v      All citizen will be part of one or more voluntary service corps managed by the government (of the people)  and will provide voluntary service

3. Governance:

v      Politics will be regarded as one of the noblest profession like Teaching or Farming. Average age of Politicians would be 45 years.
v      Effective and powerful Panchayati Raj will be foundation for realisation of ‘Peaceful India by 2047’
v      There would be 100% voting in elections. Citizens who do not vote in election will face disincentives from responsible general public and public/private organization
3.1 Basic
v      The individual citizen’s sense of “Justice and Welfare of all” will govern the individual thoughts, words and action
v      Even in absence of law or law enforcing machinery all citizen will abide by the principle of justice
v      Views of all Citizen will be given due consideration in public decision making process
v      A Truthful Conscientious Secular Democratic Parliamentary Socialist Participatory Transparent Representative Proactive Efficient Effective Just Government will guide and govern the country
v      Citizen’s control over their representative will be continuous. Though periodic elections and tenure will be provided to the representative, a citizen can withdraw his or her trust (Vote) from the representative at any time with or without stating any reason. When a representative loses the trust of majority of citizen the representative who has the majority of trust will be the representative till the end of the tenure. Also any citizen can enter the list of contenders for representing the people. All this process will be through internet or such other suitable means.
v      Multi party democracy will continue to exist as it can only give greater choice for the citizen
v      Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, Panchayat, Independent Organs created by Constitution, Media and Civil society will have exhibit cooperation and coordination with common good as the sole motto
v      Citizen and the government will show zero tolerance to breach of trust and all forms of corruption by people’s representative and permanent bureaucrats
v      Individually people’s representative and permanent bureaucrats will be responsible for right or wrong action and they will be suitably rewarded or punished.
v      Representation in legislatures will naturally reflect the constituents of the population without explicit reservation
3.2 Federal setup
v      There would be no Interstate disputes like border, river water, trade etc
v      Through wide consultation and rational reorganisation of states and union territories both smaller and larger states and union territories will be right sized
v      No state would require special economic or constitutional status
v      Rajya Sabha will be empowered to play a greater role in articulating the regional or states demands to the union government, and not the Inter State Council or National Development Council or National Integration Council
v      The members of Rajya Sabha will be members of State Legislative Assembly and their tenure in Rajya Sabha will be coterminous with the tenure of the State Legislative Assembly
v      Creative and Constructive ideas of the states will be diligently experimented by the Union Government
v      Union Government will use all means to correct the errant state government before using the power to take over the state government. Union Government will play the role of caring and just elder sister towards the state government
3.3 Panchayat (People’s Self Government)
v      Effective and powerful Panchayati Raj will exist
v      Urban and Rural panchayat will be the primary agents of Governance and be made responsible for maximum number of public services
v      All state will have a compact State Legislative Council with members sent from Rural and Urban Panchayats
3.4 Executive
v      The President of India will be elected by the members of Lok Sabha, State Legislative Assembly and State Legislative Council and not the Rajya Sabha as it just reflects the State Legislative Assembly
v      Governor of a State can be removed by a no confidence motion in both houses of state with absolute majority(Two third votes of the authorised strength of the House)
v      For neglecting constitutional responsibilities which is not a legal offence like not taking action as per court direction, not conducting Panchayat election etc the respective minister or head of government can be disqualified from the elected house by Supreme Court of India and can be banned from representing people for any length of time
3.5 Legislature
v      All legislations and financial proposals will be thoroughly analyzed, debated and constructive changes will be incorporated as found necessary
v      There would be no Constitutional provision or law or rules without periodic review and approval by respective legislature
v      There would be no subordinate legislations (Legislation by executive decree)
v      Conduct of all members will be with utmost dignity and sincerity
3.6 Audit
v      Auditor Generals audit will be holistic and comprehensive with due regard to the unique and special nature of administrative reality
v      Independent audit by the legislature will ensure that no wrong escapes the eye of it
v      Social Audit will be given due recognition and the outcome will have a legal standing
v      By single unique identification number all citizen’s details (Personal details, Education, Health, Travel, Financial, offences) will be tracked all over the country
3.7 Bureaucracy
v      The bureaucracy will be primarily responsible towards the citizen welfare
v      Anonymity, Neutrality, Accountability to elected executive will continue to guide it.
v      It will get sufficient protection from exploitation or injustice by powerful business or political power holders
3.8 Election Commission
v      The Election commission will be the disciplinarian of people’s representative outside their legislatures
v      Election commission of India will be responsible for conduct of Panchayat elections and as many other internal elections of national importance like in Political parties ,NGOs etc

4. Justice Maintenance:

v      As the society at large including the judge is also responsible for upbringing wrong doers, due consideration will be given to this aspect. Only when correctional measures fail the individual will be condemned in jail
v      All punishments will primarily constitute correctional education and unpaid public service
v      As all living things are property of the nature, no one except the nature has the right to deny life and hence there will be no death sentence
v      Whistleblowers and witnesses of a wrong act will all be given utmost protection to life and will also be protected from all inconvenience in the process of justice delivery
v      The amount of  punishment will vary with the status of the person in the society i.e. a wrong act done by a teacher will get maximum sentence, then the judge ,the people’s representative, the permanent bureaucrats and the senior citizen
v      Justice will be provided free of cost to all. Maximum possible cost of it will be recovered from the wrong doer.
v      Judiciary will be adequately equipped to provide speedy justice
v      All citizen will have a uniform civil code unless otherwise desired by all parties concerned in a case

5. Media

v      Media will be the vigilant watch dog on behalf of the people towards all organs of governance
v      It will give voice to grievances of all section of the citizenry
v      Public good not the unethical profit will be the motive of the Media
v      Civil society will have control over the media through “Media Watch Groups of the Citizen “apart from the monitoring by Government and Judiciary
v      Public Broadcasting board will be representative and democratic and Public Broadcaster will have the prime position in the media world

6. Planning

v      Planning will be primarily bottom up
v      Academicians, Researchers, Field staff and constructive community workers suggestion will also be incorporated
v      Suggestion from the state governments will be given due recognition in National planning and it will be assured by  Rajya Sabha

7. Internal Security

v      Jails will largely be empty
v      All citizens will think and act as police without uniform. They will pass on intelligence to the agencies with ease and surety of security
v      All citizen will feel free to approach the police for help and the police will treat the citizen in a way as a kind sincere doctor treats the patients
v      All citizens would have undergone primary self defence and first aid training
v      There will be no Human rights violation by the Civil, Intelligence, Defence and Police  personnel
v      Except for former Intelligence, Defence and Police  personnel no one else will posses any arms
v      India will be free of Armed Struggle, Terrorism, Riots of all form, Arson, Sabotage, Looting etc
v      Physical or Psychological Violence against women, children, minorities, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and other weaker section will be absent
v      Conviction rate of offences will be more than 99%
v      Death due to traffic accidents will be only due to real “accidents” and not due to defects in transport infrastructure or callous vehicle inspection or negligence in Traffic Police service
v      Loss of life or property due to accidents such as fire or any other disaster will be negligible as India will have disaster proof infrastructure as per the commonly available technological safeguards

More to follow in the next blog... See Vision of "Peaceful India by 2047 AD" - Part 2

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